Top 10 Best Biceps Workouts to Build Powerful Muscle

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Who doesn’t want bigger biceps? Everybody will like to make bigger biceps. No! It’s not easy to build bigger biceps. For making an attractive biceps, you have to do proper biceps workouts and, also have to maintain diet schedule properly.


In this article, we are going to say the top 10 best bicep workouts and their procedure of doing. That’s why I am requesting you, friends, to stay with us till the end. As if you wish to make an attractive muscular body, then this article is going to help you a lot.

So, stay with us until the end. Let’s start the journey of a new lesson.

Best Bicep workouts
The List of Top 10 Best Biceps workouts to Build Muscle


#01 – Standing Dumbbell Curl Workout

It is quite impossible to start any bicep workouts without engaging this workout. In this workout, you need not target anything, only you need to focus your curl.

But at the time of exercise, you need to manage the weight properly.

You need to do it slowly. At the time of doing this exercise, you have to be controlled and have to do focus on the squeezing of your bicep. It is the best biceps workouts for women.


How to do Standing Dumbbell Curl Workout


  • At first, stand to hold a dumbbell in each hand.
  • Next, you need to pick up two dumbbells with your hand, hanging by your sides.
  • At that time, your elbow should be closed to your torso and, your palm facing forward.
  • Your arm should be still at the time of the workout.
  • Otherwise, it may lead to crack.


  • Same weight in both hands: At first, you have to ensure about the importance. Yes, you have to pick the same weight in both your hands. So, the balance of each side will be equal.
  • Keep your arms stationary: Yes! At the time of exercise, you should have to keep your arms stable. As it will help to do this workout properly. Otherwise, your arms may be cracked.
  • Pick up the weight according to capability: You should put it into your mind that always tries to pick up the weight according to aptitude. If you pick up more weight, then it may be harmful to you.


#02 – Hammer Curl Workout

The difference between Standing Dumbbell Curl Workout and, Hammer Curl Workout is the way of holding the dumbbell. As here you have to pick the dumbbells from aside, this will lead to work on your biceps bronchi and, brachialis.

For doing Hammer curl workout, you can do Cable Rope Hammer Curl. It will be more beneficial you as the cable machine keep a constant weight on the biceps.


How to do Hammer Curl for Best Biceps Workouts

  • At first stand up on the floor. Then you need to pick up two dumbbells in your hand.
  • At that time, your palm should face your thighs.
  • Don’t try to move your arms. At that time, you should have to bend your elbows and, curl the dumbbells as close as your shoulder possible.
  • After that. Pause at the top and, remember to squeeze.
  • Then slowly lower your back to reach the starting positions.
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  • A proper way of holding the dumbbells: You have to keep the dumbbells properly. And, at the time of picking up, you have to pick up them steadily.
  • Weight measurement: Here, weight measurement is vital. You have to pick up the same weight in your hands. Otherwise, it may produce an effect on your biceps.
  • Still your legs: You have to keep your legs steady. Otherwise, the balance of your hand maybe misguides.



#03 – Zottman Curl Biceps Workouts


Zottman Curl is all in one biceps workout. This exercise actually targets the biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis. This workout acts by rotating the grip. The underhand and, overhand and, overhand rotation helps to build muscular biceps.

How to do Zottman Curl Workout

  • Hang your dumbbells with your hands by your side. Turn your arms so your palms will face forward.
  • After that, bend your elbow without twisting your upper arms.
  • Next, curl the dumbbells toward your shoulder.
  • After that, pause so you can rotate the dumbbells. So that your palms face forward.
  • Slowly return to your starting position.


  • Upper hands: At the time of exercise, your upper hands should not be moved. If it is shifted, then it may produce an effect on your shoulder.
  • Don’t do it fast: Yes! Don’t try to do it quickly. As if you do it fast, then it may produce an adverse effect on your shoulder. That’s why you should have to do it slowly.
  • Take pause: At the time of rotating your arms, you should have to take pause. If you don’t take the pause at the time of rotation, it may produce a harmful effect on the joint of upper and, lower arms



#04 – Decline Dumbbell Curl Workout


Lying on your chest will help to make an attractive biceps. In this workout, no weight will run through your legs or, feet. In this workout, you can change your grip to target a different part of your biceps. It is also the best biceps workouts for women.

How to do Decline Dumbbell Curl Workout

  • Place your chest on a bed. Your chest should be placed at a 45-degree angle.
  • Bend your elbow and down move your upper arms.
  • Curl the dumbbells up to your shoulder.
  • After that pause the lower back at the start position.
  • Yes! Your chest should be appropriately placed. Here chest will take the almost total weight of your body.


  • Position of the chair: The location of the chair should be suitable. If the position is changed, then it may be harmful to you.
  • Place the chest at about 45-degree angle: Yes! You have to place your chest at about 45-degree angle. This angle is suitable for lifting weight.
  • Arms should be placed on the upper part of the chair: Your arm should have stayed on the upper part of the chair. So that you can easily look into the movement of biceps.


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#05 – Barbell bent-over for Biceps workouts


Barbell bent-over workout is one of the most effective exercises which help in muscle building. As you know, biceps is one of the busiest muscles of our body. So, to build up an attractive biceps muscle, this workout plays an important role.


How to do Barbell bent-over workout

  • First, slightly flex your knees.
  • Hang over from the hips.
  • You have to make a neutral spin with your shoulder arms width apart.
  • Ensure the line of the pull. It should be your belly button, not your sternum.


  • Maintain your neutral spine: You have to maintain a neutral spine with your shoulder arms width apart.
  • Co-ordination of legs: At the time of workout, your legs should be stable and co-ordinates. It will help to do pull up properly.


#06 – Chin-up

Yes! It is not a smooth move, but one of the most effective moves to build your biceps muscles.  If you do it properly, then your shoulder, back and, hands will get a proper workout. So, it is one of the most essential suggested exercises by the trainer. This workout plays an important role to make attractive biceps for men.


How to do Chin-up Workout

  • At first, grab the bar with your palms facing towards you.
  • The grip should be narrow than the shoulder width.
  • Pull yourself up until your head is above the bar.
  • After that, slowly lower the back at the starting positions.


  • Pull yourself up: You should have to pull yourself up until your head is above the bar.
  • Weight of the bar: You should have to pull up the weight according to your capability. If you pull up more weight, then it would be harmful to your shoulder.
  • The help of a trainer: At the initial time of pulling the bar, you can take the help of a trainer. So it will be straightforward to complete the workout as a beginner.


#07 – Regular EZ bar Curl

Actually, the bar allows you to lift more weight. Regular EZ bar Curl is a vital workout to build your biceps without raising more pressure in your elbow and, forearms. So it is one of the most suggested exercises ever.


How to do Regular EZ bar Curl Workout

  • At first, hold the EZ bar in front of your thighs.
  • For that, you can use underhand and shoulder-width grip.
  • As you breathe in curl the bar properly.
  • It is one of the most beneficial biceps workouts for female.
  • After that, squeeze your bicep then lower under control.


  • Weight measurement: Here, weight measurement is necessary. If you put more than your capability, then it may produce an adverse effect on you. So you have to be conscious of it.
  • Grip properly: You have to grip properly through your hands. Grip the handle and pull it then the weight will pick up.
  • Placement of feet: You have to keep your legs properly; that’s why it would be easy to lift the weight.


#08 – Standing Cable Lateral Raise for Best Biceps Workouts

Standing Cable Lateral Raise workout is also known as cable exercise. It is one of the most laborious activities in the category of cable exercise. Here you have to use both hands. It is one of the best biceps workouts for man. It is the best biceps workouts for men.

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How to do Standing Cable Lateral Raise

  • At first, stand in between two weights pulley machines.
  • You should adjust your standing location.
  • After that, use opposite arms, to pull the different machine.
  • Grab the handle properly.
  • Your feet should be stable at the time of pulling.



  • Stand straight at the time of pulling: You should have to stand straight at the time of pulling. So, your hand will get proper strength. It will help to create the required quantity of pressure on your shoulder.
  • Weight measurement: Here, weight measurement is essential. You have to pick up the required weight that you can easily pick-up.
  • Stability of your legs: At the time of workout, your legs should be stable. Otherwise, it may produce a harmful effect on your shoulder.

#09 – Underhand Seated Row


Underhand Seated Row can make your muscle more attractive. If you do this exercise correctly, then your muscle becomes healthy as well. If you do this exercise correctly, then you can watch out the growth of your muscle in front of your eyes.

How to do Underhand Seated Row for Best Biceps Workouts

  • At first, bend your knees and, hold the bar with an underhand grip.
  • Lean slightly and keep your back straight then use your back to the muscle to drive the bars towards.
  • After that return the bar to the starting position.


  • Underhand grip: You should have to use an underhand grip to pick up the bar. So it will be effortless to lift the weight.
  • Keep your back straight: You should have to keep your back straight. So it would be easy to pick the weight.


#10 – Hammer Curl

Hammer curl is one of the most energetic workouts among these biceps exercises. In this workout all of our elbow flexors actively involved. This workout is very similar to preacher curl workout. This workout helps to make an attractive muscular biceps. It is also one of the best biceps workouts for men.


How to do Hammer Curl

  • At first, sit on the tripod table.
  • Then place your hands on the upper surface of the tripod surface.
  • After take, pick up weight in your hands. The weight has to be the same.
  • Then raise your arm depending on the elbow.
  • After that come into starting position.


  • Placement of your hands: You should have to place your hands properly. Otherwise, a maximum weight will fall into your elbow.
  • Weight measurement: Here, weight measurement is crucial than previous exercises. If weight measurement doesn’t occur properly, then it leads to breakage of your elbow.


This is all about the Top 10 Best Bicep workouts to Build Muscle for man and women. This article contains a lot of data, including the procedures of how to do these exercises.


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