How Many Calories and Carbs In a Banana? Health benefits of Banana

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First of all, I should say banana is one of my favorite fruits. I personally like this fruit because of the presence of essential constituents and, supplements in it. How Many Calories and Carbs In a Banana?  You should read article completely.


Yes! So a banana is one of the most popular fruits in the world. Banana is hugely healthy fruits which contains an extensive amount of calories and, carbs.

How Many Calories In a Banana?

How Many Calories and Carbs In a Banana?

Today, in this article, I am going to tell you about the presence of calories and, Carbs in a banana.


So, friends, this article is going to be very interesting and, informative. That’s why i am requesting you to stay with us till the end. Let’s turn a page of new knowledge.



You will be surprised after hearing that the presence of calories and, the carb is totally depending on the size of the banana.

So, let’s discuss the presence of calories in different sizes of banana


Medium size of banana contains at about 105 calories.


Yes! The amount of calories in the banana is totally depending on the calories.


  • Small banana which is at about 6 inches long that may contain at about 72 calories of energy.
  • More than smaller size but, not a medium which is at about 6-7 inches long that may contain 90 calories of energy.
  • Medium-sized banana 7-8 inches long contains at about 105 calories of energy.
  • Large banana 8-9 inches long which contains at about 121 calories of energy.
  • Extra-large banana 9 inches which contain at about 135 calories of energy.
  • Shakes of 1 cup which contains about 150 grams can give you 134 calories of energy.
  • Mashed contains about 200 calories of energy.
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If you are pretty confused about the size, then you can think it contains about 100 calories of energy.


From the above discussion, it is clear that if you administer a medium-sized banana per day, then you will get a maximum amount of energy.

That’s why it is one of the most favorite and popular fruits among the people.

How many amounts of carbs in a banana?
How many amounts of carbs in a banana?

Actually, banana is composed of water and, carbs with a little number of fibers.

If you are a fan of banana and, want to know how many amounts of carbs is present in a banana depending on the size, then here is the list for you.


  • Small-sized banana which is at about 6 inches long that may contain at about 19 grams carbs.
  • More than smaller size but, not a medium which is at about 6-7 inches long that may contain 23 grams of carbs.
  • 7-8 inches will be medium-sized banana that holds about 27 grams of carbs.
  • Large banana 8-9 inches long which contains about 31 grams of carbs.
  • Extra-large banana 9 inches long which contains about 35 grams of carbs.
  • The shake contains about 34 grams of carbs.
  • At last, Mashed contains about 51 grams of carbs.

Yes! It is totally impossible to tell the number of carbs present in the banana. But, if you are confused on the size, then you can think it may contain about 35-45 grams of carbs.


Green Banana is one of the Largest Sources of Carbs

The primary nutrient or, constituent of banana is the carb. It is present at a large quantity in the green banana. If it becomes ripe, then the composition will be changed.

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After ripening the resistant starch will be converted into the sugars. Yellow banana contains a less amount of carbohydrate than the green banana.


Resistant starch is one of the indigestible ingredients which are excluded from the body like fibers.

If you are habituated with the eating of a ripe banana per day, then it will bring your digestive system very clear.

It will also improve your excretion as well. As green banana has purgative action too.

Health benefits of Banana

Health benefits of Banana

Banana has a vast number of health benefits. If you administer banana per day approximately 1 piece, then you can get such benefits.


Improve digestion: It helps to improve digestion. As here fibers are present. So, this helps in proper metabolism and, digestion as well.

So, if you administer banana daily, then you will be beneficial through it. That’s why many Physicians suggest eating a banana per day.


Banana helps in weight loss: If you are suffering from weight gaining problem, then you can get into a banana per day.

It will be very beneficial for reducing your weight. It actually reduces hunger and, improves your metabolic activity by that it helps to lose your weight.


Heart health: Banana helps to improve your heart health. If you are suffering from any cardiovascular disorder then you should eat a banana daily basis.

That’s many Physician suggests eating a banana per day to the heart patient to improve heart health.

Banana helps in weight loss, burn calories


The presence of nutrients and, minerals in the banana

Banana is one of the largest sources of nutrient and, minerals also. These substances help to maintain your metabolic functions and, body balance.

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One medium-sized banana contains these ingredients:


  • Potassium: It contains potassium at about 12%
  • Magnesium: 8% is present in a medium-sized banana.
  • Folate: 6% is present in a medium-sized banana.
  • Copper: It is preset at about 4% according to RDI
  • Vitamin B2: 5% is present in a banana.
  • Vitamin B6: It is present at about 22% according to RDI

The parameter which is shown in this list is produced from RDI. So, if you consume a medium-sized banana per day, then you will get these substances.




Friends, this is all about the quantity of presence of calories and, carb in a banana. This article provides you a lot of data, including the health benefits of banana and, the amount of presence of a mineral in it.

I hope friends you like this article. If you like, then please share this article with your friends. Stay tuned for the next update. Thank you for reading.





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