Kim Kardashian Weight Loss Journey – How She Lost 31 Kilogram?

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Kim Kardashian Weight Loss 2020: Kim Kardashian is a curvy Queen of Hearts has a great style! She knows how to maintain a fabulous body. Kim Kardashian is a popular American reality television personality, actress, model, singer socialite and business women.

Kim lost 70lbs (around 31 kilograms) after each pregnancy by taking the Atkins diet. She started to incorporate more carbs into her diet and followed it strictly.

Kim Kardashian Weight Loss Journey

Features of Kim Kardashian Weight Loss 2020

Kim is loyal to the people whom she loves. She is a great wife as well as a loving parent. Kim is a practical lady down towards the earth and has a great idea about what is right or wrong. She is a well-organized, systematic and controlled lady. Kim has a step by step rational approach to solve the problems and once committed means committed and does not give up at all.

Kim rumored that she has taken “Garcinia Cambogia” weight loss pills. These pills gained a reputation as a weight loss booster. She also drank green coffee, like Oprah to lose weight quickly and efficiently.

If you also want to use these pills consult your dietitian or doctor. There is no doubt that Kim does a tremendous job of losing weight. One of the best things she was always supported and motivated by the best weight loss coach.

Kim Kardashian Weight Loss tips


Tips followed by Kim Kardashian during her weight loss journey

Avoid sugary and starchy food

It’s hard to avoid sugar and starchy food but nothing is impossible. You need to avoid foods like mango, grapes and jackfruits. Avoid processed foods, pasta, bread, refind, sweets, sugar etc.

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Eat healthy fats

Not all fats give you weight gain, consuming the right fats helps you to lose weight. The healthy fats include omega-3-fatty acid in fish oil, nuts, sunflower seeds, rice bran oil, olive oil, peanut butter, flaxseed and avocado helps to reduce inflammation.

Consume vitamins and minerals

Eat vegetables they are rich in carbs, vitamins, mineral and dietary fiber. Consumption of veggies helps to reduce the pH level that cleanses the colon, boosts immunity, improve digestion, keeps stress away and improves memory. The antioxidants contained in the veggies improves skin and hair.

Maintain a good metabolic rate

Eating small meals every 3-4 hours keeps the metabolism active. It helps the body to burn the fat. A good rate of metabolism helps to improve digestion and keeps hunger away as well.

Hydrate yourself by sipping water

Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Add cucumber and mint to the water you drink it becomes the vitamin-rich and tasty as well. Water helps to flush out the toxins, boosts metabolism, balance the internal pH and maintain cell integrity.

Avoid sugary cookies

Don’t eat sugary and salty cookies as they can ruin your weight loss plan. Consume oatmeal cookies, peanut butter cups, raisins, dark chocolates etc. It will help you to fulfill your hunger without hampering your weight loss plan.

Increase protein intake

Make sure every meal you eat must contain proteins. The foods like egg, tofu, lentils, beans, fish, chicken breast, turkey, seeds, milk, nuts etc rich in proteins. Proteins are tough to digest so keeps your hunger away. It also helps you to shed fat and build lean muscle.

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Stay motivated towards your goal of weight loss

Always stay motivated towards your weight loss mission. Make your family and friends understand the importance of weight loss. Are you planning to eat food in a restaurant that serves the food with low-carb, nutritionally balanced food? Talk to the people who have a mission like you. It helps you to discuss your progress and stay motivated.

Pre or Post workout nutrition

The post workout meal helps you to meet the calories requirements and pre-workout nutrition helps you to quicker muscle recovery and weight loss. The pre/post nutrition depends on your body type so consult your fitness trainer or dietitian to find which nutrition is best for your body.

Avoid Junk Foods

Avoid junk food

Don’t eat the junk skip fries, nuggets etc. Order a burger without a bun and top it with salad, chicken, blue cheese, fish etc.

Workouts of Kim Kardashian weight loss

Kim’s workout starts with lower body exercises in order to tone her legs and butt. Her workout is designed by a celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson. You can use this exercise for your routine.

You need to do just 1 set of each exercise without taking any break. Once you have done with 1 set of each exercise then you can rest for a minute.

Wide Dumbbell Squats

This exercise is to tone the lower body and core. If you want to get the full effect of this you must have your knees parallel to your legs.

Number of reps 10-12

Side Lunges

Tone your lower body this exercise is similar to squats, in this you need to move your legs in forward/backward instead of upward/ downward motion.

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Number of reps 10-12


In this, you need to move your legs in forward and backward using your own body weight, a barbell or dumbbells.

Number of reps 10-12

Skater Lunge

The legs move and get stronger which can be done by performing the lateral jump. It improves the heart rate, strengthens your legs and improves stability.

Number of reps 10-12

Stability Ball Leg Curls

This exercise works for the butt, hips, thigh and core. It is a great workout when you have a short period of time for a workout. Only you need to be efficient in this workout.

Number of reps 10-12

Dumbbell Rows

This workout makes you V-shaped, you need to hold the dumbbell in one hand and support on the bench with another hand.

Number of reps 10-12

Dumbbell Bicep Curls

Bicep curls are the staple of the arm circuit as they are compound fit.

Number or reps 10-12


Crunches works for upper body workout is a great exercise for those who think about the six-pack or even eight pack.

A number of reps is 10-12 do more if you can.

Mountain Climbers

It is a core exercise but provides strength, agility and makes your stronger.

A number of reps 10-12 each leg.

Repeat circuit 2-3 more times.

High-Intensity Intervals Training Cardio

This is a mixture of cardio bursts and body weight exercises. Combining two workouts gives your body a great performance. This will be done at the very end.

Do each set of exercises and take one-minute rest. Repeat this 2-3 more times it works great for a total-body workout.